3.007 Process

Mycelia Inter Alia

The wondrous presence of our fungal friends is ubiquitous to our daily lives. Trailing along the adumbral woodland, we venture in pursuit of these delicate creatures for nourishment and medicinal bounty. Throughout history, fungi folklores and traditions are deep rooted in our cultures and coincide with worldwide rituals of foraging.

Laying buried and animated beneath the ground are the cryptic disturbances of the mycelial network, extending and propagating their minuscule branches in all directions. As multicellular organisms, mycelium consumes small molecules of food from sources such as wood or plant waste, by excreting enzymes in order to break them down into digestible morsels. The assemblage of growth permeates through the substrate into complex vegetative structures entangled in the life of the forest.

With the recent surge of interest, practical material applications of mycelium structures spread their use far and wide from biodegradable packaging to clothing to construction. These bio-engineered sustainable products and inventions are gaining momentum, bringing mycelium to the forefront of innovative design for the future.

But is there more than what meets the eye? More than commodity and yield?

Where our curiosity unravels is the enigma of nurturing their power of natural process, beyond industrialised production and laboratory conditions, into the wild and unpredictable.

How do we practice the art of noticing, to observe, to be curious and to be experimental with transiency and spontaneity?

How do we compose a material agency to be decomposed?

How do we materialise infestation and decay?

How do we implant life beyond our ruins?

A selected list of wild fungi species in the UK from British Mycological Society:

Agaricus arvensis

Agaricus augustus

Agaricus bitorquis

Agaricus bohusii

Agaricus campestris

Agaricus langei

Agaricus moelleri

Agaricus silvaticus

Agaricus silvicola

Agaricus urinascens

Amanita citrina var alba

Amanita rubescens

Armillaria mellea

Boletus / Butyriboletus appendiculatus

Boletus / Caloboletus radicans

Boletus / Gyroporus castaneus

Boletus / Hortiboletus bubalinus

Boletus / Imleria badia

Boletus / Leccinum aurantiacum

Boletus / Suillus bovinus

Boletus / Suillus luteus

Boletus / Suillellus Luridus

Boletus / Tylopilus felleus

Boletus / Xerocomellus chrysenteron

Boletus / Xerocomellus porosporus

Boletus reticulatus

Boletus edulis

Calvatia gigantea

Cantharellus cibarius

Cantherellus tubaeformis

Chlorophyllum rhacodes

Clitocybe dealbata

Clitocybe nebularis

Clitopilus prunulus

Coprinellus micaceus

Coprinopsis atramentaria

Coprinus comatus

Coprinus picaceus

Cordyceps militaris

Cortinarius purpurascens

Craterellus cornucopioides

Cuphophyllus pratensis

Cuphophyllus virgineus

Cyclocybe cylindracea

Echinoderma asperum

Fistulina hepatica

Flammulina velutipes

Galerina marginata

Gliophorus irrigatas

Gliophorus laetus

Gliophorus psittacinus

Gliophorus reginae

Grifola frondosa

Gymnopolis penetrans

Gyromitra esculenta

Helvella crispa

Helvella lacunosa

Hydnum repandum

Hydnum rufescens

Hygrocybe chlorophana

Hygrocybe coccinea

Hygrocybe conica

Hygrocybe miniata

Hygrocybe punicea

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

Hypholoma fasciculare

Inocybe erubescens

Inocybe geophylla

Inocybe geophylla var. Lilacina

Laccaria amethystina

Laccaria laccata

Lactarius deliciosus

Lactifluus vellereus

Laetiporus sulphureus

Meripilus giganteus

Morchella esculenta

Morchella semilibera

Mycena Galericulata

Oudemansiella mucida

Mycena rosea

Paxillus involutus

Pholiota adiposa

Pholiota squamosa

Pleurotus ostreatus

Rhodocollybia butyraceae.

Rhizopogdon luteolas

Rhodotus palmatus

Russula cyanoxantha

Russula emetica

Russula nobilis

Russula ochroleuca

Scleroderma citrinum, areolatum, verrucosum

Sarcoscypha austriaca

Sparassis crispa

Stropharia caerulea

Tricholomopsis rutilans

Tuber aestivum